Thank you to those who turned up to brave the weather at this 4th, and last, Summer Evening Event. In fact the weather was far better than promised and early runners escaped the worst of the evening.

I guess by now most of you have seen enough brambles to last the year – however, most seemed to have enjoyed the opportunity to get out during August when it is always quiet on the ‘O’ front.

So, thank you to those who have attended throughout these 4 events  -  more than enough of you turning out to make it well worth while  - so look out for another series next year. As well as our own klubb members it was good to see members from SAX, SLOW and CHIG.

It was good to see newcomers such as Jan and Andy Luxton attending and receiving some coaching from Sean and we look forward to seeing them at future events with their DFOK ‘O’ Tops! A great pleasure to see ‘friends’ from BAC who seem to have taken to orienteering easily over the 4 weeks, well done  -  may we see you again at the odd event?

Finally, a thank you to Carol for helping with putting out controls as well as keeping the paperwork. But, even more so, for the supper on the last night to finish off the series  -  I am pleased she has a visitor for a few days who can help eat up the leftovers! Also, to the Woodland Farm Trust for allowing us use of the Centre for the 2 evenings we were in Shooters Hill  -  doesn’t it make a difference having somewhere indoors when the weather is off?

So, until next year, may we continue to run in sunlit (less brambles) forests.

Phil Basford DFOK