There are only two remaining KOL events in the 2008/9 season.  Therefore, no new names will be added to the current league table this year.  Some dibbers were hired out twice today, two were 'rescued' before downloading but unfortunately, two were not.  This means that in the case of those two, the earlier runners' data was overwritten.  The affected runners were Henry Kingsley and Mark Ford.  If those competitors wish to be reinstated in the results, please e-mail me your times from the printout you received (just the total time will do).  We apologise for this problem but were surprised that all 60 of our dibbers were hired out today.  It is possible to use a dibber twice at an event but it causes some difficulties with processing the results.  We are looking to purchase some more.  However, all regular orienteers are encouraged to buy their own.

Simon Maytum  (