* Results
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   * Results

   * Badge and colour coded par times

May we first thank everyone for attending and the weatherman for being so generous, even to the extent of overnight cloud leading to no real frost at 7am as we put out controls.

The facilities at Chartwell are the best for an event that I am aware of and the National Trust staff are very friendly and extremely helpful. They also appreciated the custom from the many of you that used the shop and restaurant. The Visitor centre that we used had been fully painted and refurbished only the week before ahead of the new season, hence the concern over damage to the floor from spikes, so thank you for your patience in ensuring we met this stipulation for access to the centre.

We have two apologies. Firstly to those early starters who missed a right turn on the way to the start and hence unfortunately had a longer walk than expected. Also to the competitor who was unable to cross the fence into the field after the road crossing on the way to the start, and others who found this difficult. It was not the easiest of crossings and although we did the best we could, we were well aware that some of you would not have found it particularly easy, given the drop into the field. Although no consolation, the gate across the track passing the start would have been even more difficult to get over.

Our job on the day was made easy by the excellent response from DFOK members and their willing ness to assist in all manner of tasks. As a smallish club, the goodwill of helpers is essential. Many did a full day and we are most grateful.

Andrew Evans, Philip Craven (DFOK)

It was good to see so many people out (hopefully) enjoying their runs in the sunny weather.

Two of our key aims with the courses were, to switch away from the usual start and finish locations, and to limit the number of road crossings required. This meant that all the courses up to No. 5 did not have a road crossing in their competition area. With some of the darker green vegetation blocks it was difficult to get the ideal course circulations which inevitably meant that there was more path running than we would have liked. We hope you did not mind the slightly longer than usual distance to the start and back from the finish.

We would especially like to thank all those competitors that made positive comments about the map and their courses. It made all those hours in the forest over the last six months worth while. A few constructive course / map comments were informally made during the event and we thank you for these. Two particular comments raised are as follows, together with our response:
a) Control 226 (Courses 1, 2 & 3). One competitor was adamant that the control was in the wrong place. It was checked on the day and found to be correct. It was in the re-entrant to the north-east of the thicket on the end of the large knoll. 
b) A comment was made about the path layout on the way towards Control 152. It was checked on the day and the map was found to be a good representation of the path structure in that area.

For those people who turned up on the day and wanted to enter the Regional Event but were disappointed that their course was not available, we would remind you that Regional Events are on a pre-entry basis. Entry on the day is subject to map availability. With modern digital printing it is possible to leave the printing to the last weeks, or so, and avoid lots of unused maps (and wasted expenditure). However, we did include a small allowance for entries in the last week and on the day, but these were used up on some courses.

We would like to thank all those club members that assisted us with the control placement and collection. It made our lives considerably easier. Also thanks to Andrew and Philip for their support with the event. 

Many thanks to Mike Murray for his relaxed and considered advice with regard to the map and courses. We hope you enjoyed your runs and thanks for coming to Westerham Chart.

Neil Speers, John Lambert (DFOK)

If you had a "clean" run and did not make any mistakes, moving cleanly through the controls, then you should have had a word with me and I would have congratulated you on your technical prowess. Everyone I spoke to lost time in the confusing technical bits, and so enhancing the areas reputation as one of our more challenging tracts of terrain. My thanks, and yours I hope, go to all in DFOK and in particular to Neil and John as planners and to Andrew again and Philip for masterminding everything. Neil put a lot of time into updating the map and keeping me well informed and supplied with multi-copies of courses and control sites.

Mike Murray (SLOW)