Springfield Park and Walthamstow MarshAnytime Orienteering
Location Info
Near: Upper Clapton Lat,Lng: 51.57118,-0.06217 OS Grid Ref: TQ475749 Postcode: E5 9BE What3Words: ///expose.held.loves
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Directions / Parking
There are often a few spaces on Spring Hill E5 9BL but if these are full, then there are likely to be spaces on Lingwood Road (E5 9BN) and Ashtead Road (E5 9BE). All parking is unrestricted and free of charge.
The Start and Finish is at a path crossing just inside the northern boundary of Springfield Park, Clapton.
A choice of Urban streets or Parkland.
MapRun directory path
UK > London North East
Courses available
Score course, 60mins,29 controls
PDF of map Info sheet Results link Tracks link
Springfield Park
Line course, 2.1km,11 controls
PDF of map Results link Tracks link
Nearest A&E Hospital
Other Information
60 minute Score course Clapton and Walthamstow Marsh
Can you spot an oddity (which our alert Controller picked up!). There is an obviously missing part of a line feature near the centre of the map. This is due to there being too many things on the map for each feature to print at 1;10,000 scale - the feature is on Open Street Map at a higher map scale.
Most of the controls in the urban area are postboxes but the course will also have you exploring several open spaces including the expansive vistas of Walthamstow March, not previously used for orienteering training. Controls on the open areas are on paths, usually bends or junctions.
Each control scores 20 points. For each minute or part-minute you are late back, you will lose 10 points. The highest number of points wins. The time you take is used as tie-break.
Thanks to David Lefevre for the initial idea of a Challenge north of the river, for selecting an appropriate area for us to use and for doing the initial checking of possible control sites.
This event crosses busy roads hence the area outside the park must not be attempted by anyone under the age of 16, even if they would be accompanied by an adult.
Line course in Springfield Park
This course is offered with thanks to David LeFevre for making available for club use the orienteering map of the park managed by the Hackney Schools Athletic Association. Some map updating has been done for this event. The map contains the control descriptions.