OrpingtonAnytime Orienteering
Location Info
Near: Orpington Lat,Lng: 51.38394,0.09596 Postcode: BR6 0EF
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Directions / Parking
The car park has access only from Footbury Hill Road, off Perry Hall Road. Postcode to use for the entrance to this parking is BR6 0HP. Parking is also available on neighbouring streets in or around Perry Hall Road, or in Mountview Road, which is a cul-de-sac and has pedestrian access into the park.
Orpington North (Poverest). The Start and Finish is on a path junction towards the southern tip of the park.
A 60 minute Score event in and around the streets and footpaths to the north of Orpington High Street, using MapRunF. Apart from a few controls in the High Street, I have kept the controls to the north and west of Orpington and you should not need to venture east or south of the shops.
Line Course event in Poverest Park (2+km)
Similar to a yellow course. This option is only within the Park, so there are no roads to cross. On MaprunF this course is called Orpington Junior.
MapRun directory path
UK > London South East > Bromley
Courses available
Orpington North
Score course, 60mins,30 controls
PDF of map Info sheet Results link Tracks link
Orpington Junior
Line course, 2.4km,15 controls
PDF of map Results link Tracks link