Mabley GreenAnytime Orienteering
Location Info
Near: Homerton Lat,Lng: 51.55009,-0.02996 Postcode: E9 5HW What3Words: ///
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An opportunity to get active in this recently reinvigorated open space with a choice of two courses to suit all ages.
MapRun directory path
UK > Find Your Way > FYW London SE
Courses available
Mabley Green FYW Long
Line course, 2.4 km,20 controls
Mabley Green FYW Short
Line course, 1.4 km,16 controls
Nearest A&E Hospital
There are toilet facilities but no cafe.
Other Information
The map has been developed as part of the Find Your Way initiative led by British Orienteering with funding from Sport England.
We are grateful to the King's Park Moving Together team at LB Hackney for their support and the parks department at LB Hackney for permission to hold the initial launch activity.