Dartford, Central ParkAnytime Orienteering

Location Info

Near: Dartford
Lat,Lng: 51.43867,0.21806
Postcode: DA1 1JL
What3Words: ///mutual.avoid.wool

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Directions / Parking

There is a small car park on Cranford Road where there are usually spaces. The time limit is two hours. Otherwise use neighbouring streets but several of these places are reserved for residents only.


60 minute Score course
Most controls in the urban area are postboxes but some are on footpaths or at road junctions.
This course crosses busy roads hence the area outside the park must not be attempted by anyone under the age of 16, even if they would be accompanied by an adult.
There is a penalty of 10 points for each minute or part of a minute late back.

There are a lot of roadworks in central Dartford. If heading south towards the park from control 17, keep left when the pavement splits and take extra care crossing the central ring road at this point.

2 Line course in Central Park, Dartford

The map contains the control descriptions.
The course is 2.6km. Two fences are not marked on the map but are obvious when there.

Update - 1 November 2020. The scaffolding surrounding major works in the park has now been extended making control 6 inaccessible. A new MapRun file has been created in the Kent/Dartford folder entitled "Central Park excluding 6". Please download and use this version until further notice.

MapRun directory path

UK > Kent > Dartford

Courses available

Central Park

Line course, 2.4km,14 controls

PDF of map Results link Tracks link

Dartford Centre

Score course, 60mins,27 controls

PDF of map Info sheet Results link Tracks link

Nearest A&E Hospital

Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford DA2 8DS
NHS Urgent care search