Bostall WoodsAnytime Orienteering
Location Info
Near: Abbey Wood
Lat,Lng: 51.48096,0.11642
OS Grid Ref: TQ470779 Postcode: SE2 0BE
What3Words: ///often.once.blocks
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Directions / Parking
Car park at bowling green, minor road just off the A206
Download PDF of all course maps and instructions
Safety Notes
Please TAKE CARE, particularly after wet weather when the ground may be slippery, and leave no litter. Access maybe difficult during the summer months when the vegetation is high.
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Virtual Orienteering Courses
MapRun is an app which allows you to use your smartphone to enjoy orienteering without needing to set up physical control points on the ground. There are now MapRun courses set up all across the UK which you can go and run right now, with more new ones being added all the time.
Using MapRun, you can run an orienteering course using either the map on your phone screen or a paper version; the only difference from a "traditional" course is that there are no physical markers on the ground. Instead, the phone tracks your location as you run and vibrates or buzzes to confirm when you've reached each control point on the course.
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Permanent Orienteering Courses
These courses have fixed marker posts in place. Your challenge is to discover checkpoints in the form of posts or plaques, in forests, heathlands, parks and green spaces.
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